Pelicans appear at times comical, at other times majestic. I love to watch groups of them flying overhead in a vee formation. Often, though, a single pelican, gliding above the water, catches my attention. A pelican's dive is something to behold—from a considerable height, the bird plunges head-first into the water, scooping up fish in the distinctive pouch under its beak.
Brown pelicans, like other sea birds, were devastated by DDT and were placed on the endangered species list, but recent years have seen a recovery of the their population and they have been removed from the list. I count myself lucky to live among them. I hope there will never be a time when brown pelicans won't fish in the waters of Biscayne Bay.
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perhaps you have heard this already, it has been around for awhile in several incarnations:
ReplyDeleteWhat a strange bird is the pelican...
His beak can hold more than his belican.
He can hold in his beak,
Enough food for a week,
And I don't see how in the helican.